

As some of you may know, thru here or thru word, I recently got my Architect's licence. So like good parents, my folks wanted to get me something... A gift to commemorate their son's achievement.

They thought of a car, but realized we got a fleet at my disposal anytime.

They thought of a smartphone, but figured I'm not THAT smart! Hahaha I kid! I'm not that techie (which explains why I can't let go of my 6300), so they thought I wouldn't really appreciate it as much.

They probably thought of a condo, but knowing them, they didn't want me to leave home.

They also thought of buying me a pair of limiteds, but didn't know what's limited.

So one evening as I came home from work, I saw this huge thing towering over what used to be half our garden!

And it dawned on me...

Good parents give their kids cars, smartphones, condos, their own franchise of Mini-Stop... but GREAT PARENTS give their kids HOOP DREAMS

Yes... They gave me a basketball court.


So to the greatest parents in the world, I thank you. This means more to me than any expensive, flashy, grown-up thing in the universe. I love you.

And to my few but faithful readers, I apologize for the lack of compelling content you've come to expect from The Locker Room, this thing has taken so much of my time...

But I know you know how this feels, and I believe you understand.

You guys are legends after all. :)

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