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When our big brothers Dennis, Raoul and Levon left us with the responsibility of running the Cork release, this might've crossed their minds...

Fortunately for them, we're too lame to pull that off.

So yes, as I was saying, a couple of Saturdays ago Miguel, Jeremy, Sudan, Paul and I lead the release of NSW's breakthrough product, the Nike LeBron X "Cork".

Through a "By Invitation Only" event, select Elite Titan Players Club members, celebrities, ballplayers, influencers, and media guests were ushered into the Titan Flagship Store in TwoParkade for an afternoon of wine, good company and merriment. Oh, and yes... Shoes.

It was an intimate gathering of friends and LBJ fans. It's safe to say that everyone had a great time. Some more than others (i.e. the folks that brought home the Corks)

Right after that, we decided to let the Barkleyposites loose via lottery. That went quick as well, not surprising for an ill shoe. It's our little token of thanks to the GREATEST CUSTOMERS IN THE GAME for the loyalty and love.

So there... Won't keep you guys waiting anymore! Check the photos below.

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Bar keep.
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My girlfriend Cess with my lawyer Atty. JD. He's the biggest LeBron fan I know. Got his stats memorized.
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Migs and Chris.
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Phil, Doc, Toots, and Hans.
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The girlfriend couch.
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Let's do this.
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SIDEBAR: Toots got the "Best Reaction of the Night" award. #FAK
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From King James to Sir Charles.
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SIDEBAR: Let's take a moment to appreciate Jon's custom LeBron 9 Low.
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Doc, Marts, Gunshow, and Soopafly.
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Camo crew.
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